MVP.Phoenix survives MLG’s group B elimination series

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First series of the second day at MLG Word Finals in New Orleans was an elimination one that brought together MVP.Phoenix and Cloud9.

The new incarnation of Cloud 9 had a great start since its inception, qualifying for both MLG and Nanyang Championship along with the Frankfurt Major. But once they got to actually play on the big stage of a LAN tournament it looked like they still have some work to do in the teamwork department.

Having to play with newcomers into the competitive scene is not an easy task and unfortunately for their fans, not everything went smooth at this MLG for Cloud 9. Sent to the loser series by CDEC yesterday, Cloud 9 still impressed with their fresh drafts and the game approach in both of their series played in New Orleans.

Despite all these, MVP.Phoenix demonstrated once more how flexible they can be, having March in their roster, a player that can easily switch from support to mid lane or even carry heroes in a blink of an eye. His versatility and experience with Intellect carries took Cloud 9 by surprise in the first game of the series.

Who would have expected to see a carry Leshrac played after all the nerfs he recently received, right? It looks like the new patch notes didn’t really bother March and his team mates. Alongside with a Clincz pick for Noah 'MP' Pyo, MVP set up a really high ganking tempo right from the laning phase and controlled Cloud 9 the entire game. Despite great efforts coming from Ritsu on his Ember Spirit to stop the Korean heavy spell damage continuous attacks, Cloud 9 lost the battle in the first game of the series.

For the second part of the encounter, Cloud 9 tried to rely on the split push power of Broodmother and Death Prophet but MVP.Phoenix responded with a carry Viper pick for March and a dedicated support namely Ogre Magi to enhance his already strong right click damage.

Once again MVP.Phoenix dominated the NA squad right from the start and only 17 minutes into the game, when the Koreans secured the first Roshan for themselves it was already clear who would take the game. Ten minutes later Cloud 9 admitted as well that they don’t have the lockdown power nor the control spells to stop the multi bloodlusted Viper, or the ultra - mobile Queen of Pain and called out the GG.

Day two at MLG World Finals will continue with Team Secret vs CDEC Gaming in group’s B winner finals and Evil Geniuses vs Virtus. Pro in group A.


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