Content creator NoobfromUA forced to apologise following call out by Zai

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NoobfromUA is an established figure in the world of Dota 2 video content, producing highlight reels of high profile matches or memorable moments. However, the Ukranian was under fire earlier today after se Ludwig 'zai' Wåhlberg tweeted for him to ask permission before taking video/audio footage from his stream. The dialogue caused community members to pick sides, and NoobfromUA ultimately had yet another slap on the wrist.

".@NoobFromUA um if ur gonna make a video ripping video/audio from my stream could u at least ask for permission, this isnt the first time xd".

"@NoobFromUA ya i dont care if ur sorry youve been called out before, plz stop using other peoples content for your own monetary gain", Zai has written in Twitter.

Despite taking footage from player streams NoobfromUA's video content usually focuses around in-game footage, and he is well known for the speed at which he can capture major talking points in competitive matches, even before the full VODs have finished uploading. His YouTube channel is one of the largest for Dota 2, with over 430,000 subscribers and more than 216 million views.

Act in haste, regret in leisure?


After his apology to Zai was snuffed and several other community members commented on the scenario, NoobfromUA tweeted "All zai videos are deleted now. There is no zai content videos in my channel and will never be again", a Tweet he has since removed.

The content creator then methodically decided to tweet the exact same message at popular streamsasking them for permission to include their content in his videos, which include EternalEnvy, Dendi, SingSing and AdmiralBulldog. MFF's fr Sebastien '7ckngMad' Debs defended NoobfromUA on Twitter:

"Give him a fucking break the dude has been doing video content for dota forever, and actually all of us have watched at least one".

This is not the first time NoobfromUA has been in treacherous waters as DotaCinema's SUNsfan also called out the video creator at the end of July, after he uploaded a video containing footage owned by Valve which he had monetised. However, it seems today may be a case of once bitten twice shy for NoobfromUA, who decided to post an apology and try to come clean.  


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