Not Today loses three players, new roster to be announced

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Freddy 'Smash' Sina, Juan 'Van' Tito and Steven 'Stinger' Vargas will be leaving Not Today for a new Brazilian Dota2 team.

The day has come for Not Today to disband. After losing two of their players in June, Not Today has not played with a five man roster and with the announcement that the remaining three players are leaving the team, Not Today has a total of zero players on their Dota2 squad.

According to the announcement, the three departing players, Freddy 'Smash' Sina, Juan 'Van' Tito and Steven 'Stinger' Vargas have taken up the offer to play for a Brazilian Dota2 squad. As for the future of Not Today, they revealed that a new Dota2 squad has been assembled; the roster is set to be announced on the 1st of September.

There are a few rumors regarding the new rosters of Not Today and the Brazilian team. The three players leaving Not Today for the Brazilian squad are rumored to be teaming up with former teammates, Alex 'Masoku' Davila and Ricardo 'mstco' Roman. As for Not Today, their roster is suspected to be the same as the roster they are using for the upcoming ESL One Americas qualifiers.

Suspected Not Today roster: (Source)

  • Angel
  • Angelelmaspapi
  • Alan 'Gambeta' salvati
  • jevidt
  • vredesbyrd

Headline and banner image from Not Today's Facebook


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