Wagamama reveals new team

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Swedish professional player, streamer and caster, Niklas “Wagamama” Högström revealed the lineup for his new team including a mix of known professional players and known pub/semi-pro players.

One week ago Niklas “Wagamama” Högström announced that he was parting ways with his team 4CL and would continue to look for a team to play with competitively.

His new lineup includes:

  • Jon “13abyKnight” Andersen – a Danish pro player that had recently made his return back to the competitive scene with the team Flipside Tactics after a hiatus playing Starcraft II.
  • Jaron “monkeys-forever” Clinton – an American pro player that was competing with ROOT Gaming for the last few months and has had a strong presence in the North American scene.
  • Matthew “Jah” Penaroza – an American player that has also formerly played with ROOT Gaming but most recently was part of EHug Gaming, playing with the squad for the TI5 America Qualifiers.
  • Linus “Kefka” Bleckert – a Swedish player that has had a few rotations in teams such as Aftershock Gaming, Basically Unknown and Ancient Warriors
  • Sweden Niklas “Wagamama” Högström
  • Denmark Jon “13abyKnight” Andersen
  • United States Jaron “monkeys-forever” Clinton
  • United States Matthew “Jah” Penaroza
  • Sweden Linus “Kefka” Bleckert

Niklas “Wagamama” Högström

Dota 2 Wagamama

Wagamama is a popular professional Dota 2 player who is known for his casting, his streaming, professional career and writing guides for Dota 2 such as his “Guide to better Dota”.

He started playing Dota 2 in 2004 and played with a variety of teams, with some success in minor and a few major tournaments. His most notable teams include Team Infused, QPAD and 4 Clovers & Lepricon.

The Swede casted The International 3 alongside Toby “TobiWan” Dawson, TI4 and most recently was part of the analyst desk and talent at The International 5.


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