TI5 Groupstages Day 1: Group A in a nutshell

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Our poll earlier in the week saw more than 47% of our users vote that Group A in the TI5 groupstages was the harder group, and the voices of the analysts on the opening day seemed to agree with the verdict. The first day of matches in Group A is over, and for those looking to get the main headlines, we look back on the big talking points and things to take away from Day One of Group A.

The leaders going into the second day are Team Secret and LGD Gaming, with the latter putting in probably the strongest performance.

For Team Secret the biggest talking point of the day was their second game against Fnatic, which saw a very uncharastic heavy defeat for the ESL One Frankfurt champions, and a tour de force from Fnatic captain my Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung.

However, outside of this anomaly, it was business as usual for Team Secret, with their first game against Invictus Gaming probably the highlight of the day for them.

Meanwhile for LGD it was a clean sweep, 4-0 from 2 matches, which included a comeback from a 20k networth deficit against Cloud9 in the opening match of the TI5 groupstages.

Today's big winner is LGD Gaming, who could well turn out to be the strongest team at the event, with Team Secret manager CyborgMatt commenting in an interview with HotBid: "I feel like they are going to do really well here. They are probably the strongest team in China right now."

Read more at joinDOTA.

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