Alliance, NIP, MVP and many more to join in the second group stages of Global eSports Cup #1

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Global eSports Cup season 1 has reached the second group stages for Europe and SEA where the eight qualified teams from each region will be joined by several directly invited squads.

Featuring a total prize pool of $ 1.000.000, Game Show Global eSports Cup will be held over the course of 2015-2016 featuring three distinguished seasons each with a $ 330.000  individual prize pool.

First Season has already started a couple of weeks ago and it is moving quickly forward as the second group stage for Europe and South East Asia are about to start tomorrow, October 20th.

Eight qualified teams from each region will be joined by directly invited teams and put in a two groups to battle in a round robin two game series where the top two from each group will advance to Studio Playoffs LAN held in Vilnius, Lithuania from 30th November to 3rd December.

Europe qualified teams:

Directly invited teams:

Although Monkey Freedom Fighters officially announced their disband last week, it seems that only Sébastien '7ckingMad' Debs and Selim 'Neqroman' Oynar have actually left the team. The reported roster of MFF for Global eSports Cup #1 consists of:

With no official announcement coming from either Monkey Freedom Fighters or High Council of Wizards&Priests it is uncertain if DeMoN already left the NA team or if he is playing under the stand in tag for MFF.

South East Asia qualified teams:

SEA invited teams:

Due to several schedule conflicts between Global eSports Cup regional qualifiers for US and China and other tournaments, the exact program and team cast for the first group stage round will be released in a couple of days.

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