Natus Vincere bid farwell to their DotA 2 squad

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An imminent disband of Na’Vi’s DotA 2 squad was on everyone’s minds and today is a black day for all the Na'Vi fans out there as an official statement from the Ukrainian organization confirms the rumours.

After five years in which Natus Vincere became one of the most beloved teams in the professional scene due to their amazing achievements and their great rivalry with The Alliance, the time has come to say good bye to Dendi, XBOCT, Funn1k and recently added SoNNeikO and PSM.

“This can come as a shock to our fans, but we believe this is a step in the right direction. We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to Dendi, XBOCT, Funn1k, SoNNeikO and PSM for being an important part of Na`Vi. It was a pleasure and an honor to have all of you onboard with us, some of you for many years.”

Natus Vincere’s official announcement also states the fact that the organization will start building a new DotA 2 squad in the coming weeks.

“However, this is not the end of the road for Na`Vi in Dota 2 as we won't give-up so easily on the game we all love. On the next week we will make a few announcements regarding our new Dota 2 line-up. We will strike back and it is possible that you may get to see the re-emergence of some familiar faces in the scene”.

Natus Vincere former roster:

Source:, GosuGamers.

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