IG knock VP out from ESL One NY 2015

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Coming to Madison Square as EHOME replacements, Invictus Gmaing took advantage of their second chance at ESL New York 2015 and eliminated the TI5 sixth place finishers Virtus.Pro despite the fact they are playing with a standin.

There is no doubt that the MVP of the first game series between VP and IG was Chuan on his signature Rubick who was impeccable positioned in all the team fights and made the difference for outcome of the game.

Although Virtus.Pro secured the first blood with G’s Queen of Pain, one minute later Chuan rebalanced the game with a double kill near the bottom lane rune. From there on the game became very intense, both teams being eager to fight, but in the end it was IG who emerged victorious.

Coming into the game two like nothing happened Virtus.Pro simply crushed IG with an Illidan Luna and a Dkphobos who reiterated his flawless Dark Seer plays from TI5. Only 19 minutes into the game IG realized that they have no chance to make a comeback from the deficit they were in and made the GG call when the scoreboard was showing a 25-5 kills advantage for Virtus.Pro.

Forced into a decisive game three, IG surprised VP with a Brewmaster last pick for Rabbit on top of Ferarri’s Shadow Fiend. The first part of the game VP had a dominant presence on the map, which devolved into overcommitments that gave IG the chance to regroup and defend their lanes. At the same time, while VP was busy with four man tower dives to secure a kill on Rabbit, Ferrari saw the perfect opportunity to gank Illidan.

A much better composed team Invictus Gaming managed to defeat Virtus.Pro with their own weapons as only 28 minutes into the game they were already diving VP’s tier four towers to force the tap out.


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