ESL NY 2015; CDEC Gaming eliminates Archon Dota

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Playing almost the same game as they did at The International 5, CDEC Gaming eliminated Team Archon with a clean 2-0 final score in their first series at ESL One New York 2015.

For the first game of the series Archon have tried to be the ones to set the aggressive tone with a continuously roaming Chaos Knight – Fluffnstuff. After he secured the first blood for his team, two minutes into the game Fuffnstuff was already rotating to mid lane to disturb Shiki’s Sniper farm. Although he lost his life in the process he ensured the kill for his mid lane Medusa and once he came back online, Fluffnstuff went to annoy CDEC’s offlane Clockwerk as well.

Although CDEC lost the laning  phase entirely, a bit too confident Team Archon have started to dive tier one tower mid lane a couple of times in a row losing teamfight after teamfight which enabled CDEC to regain the game control by the 15 minute mark.

With the benefit of track kills CDEC Gaming recovered the gold deficit extremely fast and started to push with Sniper in the front lines all Archon’s towers. 30 minutes into the game Jeyo&co were already cornered in their base.

With the Cheese - Roshan secured at the 43 minute mark CDEC Gaming went for the GG push and secured the first game of the series for themselves.

Game two started in the same explosive way for Archon who were present all over the map, disturbing all the lanes with a Dominating WhiteBeared Crystal Maiden only five minutes into the game. Unfortunately for Archon, CDEC have shown tremendous resilience and once again made the comeback during the mid game stage to steamroll Archon and claim a clean 2-0 victory in their first series played after The International 5.


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