joinDOTA League season 8 sigups are open until October 12th

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Signups have been opened for the eighth season of the joinDOTA League. They will remain open until the 12th of October, with the league kicking off soon afterwards.

The team at joinDOTA have announced that they will soon be hosting the eighth edition of the joinDOTA League. The announcement included the participating regions, explained the three divisions of the league, and detailed the dates of match days before providing links to open signups for any team up to the challenge.

The league will be played across three regions: Europe (which will also encompass teams from the Middle East and Africa), Asia (including Australia), and America (representing both North and South America). Each region will then be split up into three different Divisions: Division 1, Division 2, and the Starter Division. Any teams that will be playing in their first joinDOTA League (i.e. they have not participated in any of the previous seven seasons) will be placed in the Starter Division. The most skilled teams from each region will battle it out in Division 1, with any teams narrowly missing out on Division 1 fighting for glory in Division 2.

The suggested match days for the three divisions are as follows:

  • Match Day 1: Sunday, October 18th
  • Match Day 2: Sunday, October 25th
  • Match Day 3: Thursday, October 29th
  • Match Day 4: Sunday, November 1st
  • Match Day 5: Sunday, November 8th
  • Match Day 6: Thursday, November 12th
  • Match Day 7: Sunday, November 15th
  • Match Day 8: Sunday, November 22nd
  • Match Day 9: Sunday, November 29th
  • Tiebreaks: Sunday, December 6th
  • Playoff Match Day 1: Sunday, December 13th
  • Playoff Match Day 2: Sunday, December 20th

However, joinDOTA is known for encouraging communication between the teams themselves, and these dates are merely guidelines. It is up to the discretion and time commitments of the teams involved to decide whether they will use these dates or not.

As can be seen from the schedule, the joinDOTA league will first run a series of league match days, before proceeding to tiebreakers (if necessary). Once the positions of the teams in each respective region and Division has been decided, some teams will proceed to playoffs, and then the season will conclude. The top-ranked teams of each Division can potentially move up one (or even two) Divisions for the next season’s play.

So, whether your team are veterans of joinDOTA League play or an up-and-coming team looking to show the world what you can do, head over to the official announcement page here before the 12th of October to put your team’s name down for the eight season of the joinDOTA league! 

Source: joinDOTA, GosuGamers

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