Kingdom, The Summit 4 SEA open qualifiers winners

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The Summit 4 SEA Open Qualifiers have concluded today with team Kingdom from Singapore emerging as the victors. Ninety-five teams competed for the only slot available in the regional qualifiers and the chance to play alongside notable invited teams such as First Departure, MVP.Phoenix and Fnatic.  

The Singaporean team, Kingdom, was able to cruise through the brutal single elimination, best-of-one series to the grand finals. They were then able to sweep through their opponents, Colosseum, 2:0, in the best-of-three finals to secure their spot in the regional qualifiers.

The Summit 4 Regional Qualifiers will take place between October 1st and November 5th for Europe, China, the Americas and Southeast Asia. The schedule and brackets have not yet been released. One team from the SEA regional qualifiers will advance to the main event in Los Angeles, California.

The main event scheduled for December 9-13 will line up a total of eight teams competing for a prize pool starting at $100,000. In addition to the qualified teams from each of the four regions, there will be one directly invited team and one team that will be voted in by the community in the Redemption Vote segment.

The Summit 4 SEA Regional Qualifiers teams

    • First Departure
    • MVP.Phoenix
    • Team 123
    • Mineski
    • Fnatic
    • Signature.Trust
    • TnC
    • Kingdom (open qualifier winner)

The Summit 4 Regional Qualifiers

    • The regional qualifiers will take place between October 1st and November 5th, starting with the European region
    • Double elimination brackets
    • Matches will be best-of-three series
    • Grand Finals will be best-of-five series
    • Two slots are up for grabs for each of the European and Chinese regions
    • One slot is available for both the Americas and Southeast Asia

The Summit 4 Prize Pool

The Summit 4 will feature a $100,000 minimum prize pool, which has the potential to continue to grow through the planned Compendium and Chest sales. Full travel support will be provided to the teams.


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