Nanyang Championships: Two teams to be eliminated, finalist to be decided

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The first finalist for the Nanyang Championships EU qualifiers and the three possible candidates for the second finalist of the EU qualifiers will be decided today.

Three games will be played today in the Nanyang Championships EU qualifiers, the first two matches of today are lower bracket best-of-one matches where the loser gets eliminated. The first game will be between Monkey Freedom Fighters and Vega, the second game will be between NiP and Alliance; the games are scheduled for 17:00 CEST and 18:00 CEST today. As for the third match of today, it will be between 5Jungz and (monkey), the winner will proceed to the finals and the loser will be knocked into the losers bracket.

In the first match of today, Vega Squadron seems to be the slight favorites given their only game with MFF ended with a 2-1 victory in their favor.

As for the second match of the day, NiP look to be the clear favorites with a 2-0 win-loss record against Alliance in official games post-TI5. However, given the nature of best-of-ones and the wins held by NiP being a 2-1 and a 2-0, it is possible for Alliance to pull an upset.

In the final game of the day, 5Jungz vs (Monkey), the betting odds are 30%-70% in favor of (Monkey) on Dota2Lounge and 4%-96% in favor of (Monkey) on Gosubets. These betting odds are probably a result of (Monkey)'s current winning streak of five 2-0s and previous wins against teams like Vega (2-0) and CIS Rejects (3-1).


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