HCWP lost Clairvoyance

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Only two weeks after the official announcement of their squad, High Council of Wizards & Priests are the first team to lose a player which will have major consequence for their close future.

During the drafting stage of the first game Fire versus compLexity Gaming, the co-caster Aaron 'Clairvoyance' Kim made a comment referring to the Slardar viability as an offlane hero in which he actually officially announced his exit from HCWP.

 “I wanted to play it for some time, offlane as well, unfortunately this cannot be the case right now, anymore” was the phrase that awkwardly informed Capitalist that his guest is no longer part of High Council of Wizards & Priests.

A few hours later Moonduck Studios were informing the audience via twitter that HGWP will be replaced in the Elimination Mode event by Root Gaming due to roster instability.

"Because of roster instability, @ROOT4ROOT will be replacing the High Council of Wizards & Priests in our Elimination Mode tournament".

Greg Laid, HCWP manager also made the news legit as he officially announced the loss of their mid player.

"Clairvoyance is no longer on HCWP. HCWP won't be participating in the @moonduckTV Elimination mode event".

This will affect the team in terms of their chances to receive an invite to the upcoming Valve’s first Major Championship and will force them to take the hard way of open qualifiers.

Current HGWP Roster:

photo credit: joinDota


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