NA Dota is on Fire; Jeyo and co qualified to ESL One New York 2015

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MoonDuck Studios’ unique tournament, Elimination Mode, was well received despite some minor hiccups. After 4CL defeated 4ASC in the first series, FIRE withdrew from the tournament giving Digital Chaos the def-win. ROOT gaming will be replacing High Council of Wizards and Priests in the event, as the NA team also withdrew due to roster issues. The event resumes tonight, at 18:00 CEST, with the series between Alliance and Monkey Freedom Fighters.

The first tournament series hosted by the newly established MoonDuck Studios got off to a great start with the opening match between 4CL and 4ASC. The first to experience the new play mode, 4 Clovers swept through the Finish team.

However, the second series, scheduled to take place between Digital Chaos and FIRE, was not played. FIRE forfeited their match against Kurtis “Aui_2000” Ling’s squad, citing lack of players.

Elimination Mode was set to start the second day of competition with the series between Alliance and Monkey Freedom Fighters, followed by Jimmy “Demon” Ho’s team HCWP versus compLexity Gaming. Instead, HCWP will be replaced by ROOT gaming, due to roster instability.

The quarterfinals will resume tonight, at 18:00 CEST, with the series between EU teams Alliance and Monkey Freedom Fighters, followed by the NA teams ROOT gaming versus compLexity Gaming.

Elimination Mode

Moonduck Studios, in partnership with Twitch TV, has announced the studio’s debut tournament – Elimination Mode. The event will be played in a new game mode, in which heroes can only be banned or picked once per series. By the end of the tournament’s best-of-five grand finals, potentially only ten heroes will be remaining in the selection pool.

Elimination Mode teams

  • 4 Clovers & Lepricon
  • 4 Anchors & Sea Captain
  • complexity Gaming
  • Digital Chaos
  • FIRE
  • ROOT Gaming*
  • Alliance
  • Monkey Freedom Fighters

*replaced High Council of Wizard and Priests.


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