ESL One New York talent revealed

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With only two more weeks to go, and two more teams to be determined for competing in the ESL One New York event for the $250,000 prize pool, the final pieces are falling into place. ESL has revealed the list of talent and hosts for the ESL One New York Super Week taking place at the Madison Square Garden between October 3-4.

Only weeks away from the October event, ESL has released the names of the hosts and talent to bring fans all of the action from ESL One New York Super Week. The list includes many of the familiar faces from ESL One Frankfurt, with the addition of a few other favorites.

The New York event will feature Dakota “KotLGuy” Cox and Andrew “Zyori” Campbell joining the hosting team.

ESL One New York hosting team

Dota 2 ESL hosts

  • Host: Dakota “KotLGuy” Cox
  • Desk Host: Andrew “Zyori” Campbell

  • Reporter: Soe “Soe” Gschwind-Penski

  • Observer: Jonathan “PimpmuckL” Liebig

ESL One New York talent

Dota 2 ESL One New York Talent

  • Commentator: Toby “Tobiwan” Dawson
  • Commentator: Austin “Capitalist” Walsh

  • Commentator: William “Blitz” Lee

  • Commentator: Ben “Merlini” Wu

  • Commentator: Kevin “Purge” Godec

  • Analyst: Kai “H4anni” Hanbueckers

  • Analyst: Jacob “Maelk” Toft-Andersen

  • Analyst: Alan “Nahaz” Bester

ESL One New York

Dota 2 Madison Square Garden

This year’s ESL One New York is shaping up to be one of the very best Dota 2 tournaments of this fall. The tournament will feature a starting prize-pool of $250,000 – almost double the final amount of last year’s event.

The event will take place at the Madison Square Garden in New York City, on October 3rd and 4th.

ESL One New York participants

  • Evil Geniuses (invited)
  • Team Secret (invited)
  • Virtus.Pro (invited)
  • CDEC Gaming (invited)
  • Vega Squadron (EU qualifier winner)
  • Fnatic (SEA qualifier winner)
  • TBD (Winner of CN Qualifiers)
  • TBD (Winner of NA Qualifiers)


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