ESL One New York premium ticket holders to enjoy exclusive perks

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ESL has once again made an improvement to the the ESL One New York experience. At the tournament scheduled at Madison Square Garden, October 3-4, premium ticket holders will now enjoy additional perks and bonuses, including exclusive signing sessions, behind the scenes tour and invitations to the after party.

When ESL announced the return of the ESL One New York tournament for October 3-4, they included improvements to the event. Two months later, the organization reduced the price of tickets.

Now, ESL has informed the community about upgrades and additions dedicated to the premium ticket holders.

ESL One New York premium ticket holder perks

Last year, premium ticket holders received a goodie bag which included:

    • event shirt
    • event hoodie
    • dog tag
    • event poster
    • event print
    • seat in the 100 section

This year, premium ticket holders will receive a goodie bag and a seat in the 100 section, as well as the following extras:

  • Dota 2 in-game item – The items attached to the tournament are included for free, including the DotaTV ticket
  • Special signing sessions – Signing sessions exclusive to premium ticket holders, with less waiting time and a better chance of getting all autographs
  • Behind-the-scenes tour – A tour through the backstage areas where people work on the event
  • After-party invite – an invite to the after-party that was previously exclusive to the players and crew



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