Decisions That Made the Difference: Post-TI Roster Reshuffle Winners

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The heavy post-TI roster reshuffle is over. The teams are already testing their new rosters in various tournaments, trying to get in shape as soon as possible, in order to bring their best game to the upcoming Majors.Some teams were spot on when picking new players. They made great moves when it comes to acquiring players to strengthen their teams, trying to approach the top in Dota 2 leaderboards. The following teams match the above description and will surely be the teams too look out for in the future.

Fnatic mix ready for next step

Fnatic has always had a strong Dota team. They are known for picking young and promising players, hungry for success. This time their new picks weren't any different. Three new additions to their team are matching the description of young and promising, and they are already practising hard to reach the top. With Dominik 'Black^' Reitmeier they have gained a strong carry player, western BurNIng, who was very disappointed after not competing at TI5. He is also no stranger of playing outside of Europe, so he will surely adapt pretty fast to his new team.

Second addition to the team is Wai Pern 'Net' Lim, 23 years old Malaysian player who already has a lot of support experience which will help Fnatic a lot in the future. Even though these two are strong, proven and amazing players, Fnatic´s third addition Djardel Jicko 'DJ' Mampusti is, so far, the most valuable player added to the team. His recent offlane performances are just amazing, and Fnatic have made a great decision when they decided to give a chance to this 20 year old Pinoy player. 

These three can really help Fnatic. Bringing them to the team was Fnatic´s spot on decision and hopefully they will prove that SEA Dota has so much more to offer.

Alliance looking to relive the past

After the struggles they had after TI3, Alliance are now looking ready to return to the top. The disappointing TI5 qualifiers, where they were considered to be the favourites, caused further changes to their roster. First addition was their former standin, Johan 'Mynuts' Andersson, who is looking to repeat Jerry ‘EGM’ Lundkvist´s exceptional performances on support position.

But, despite getting a great support player, the true jackpot for Alliance is their former captain and drafter Gustav 's4' Magnusson. Probably the most wanted mid player decided that returning to the roots could help him achieve greatness once more. The team with which he has already achieved so much can only help him grow even further. We are yet to see the real power of the new/old Alliance, but there is no doubt that s4 will bring their game to a whole new and higher level.

MVP.Phoenix pick up the best of South Korea

Korean pride, building on their TI5 success, have acquired two high caliber players to help them build a highly competitive team which will be a huge threat in the Majors. MVP.Phoenix is now an all Korean team which will surely attract a lot of attention. Korean scene hasn't been really interested in Dota, but MVP.P´s success at TI5 has risen a few eyebrows and they have now started investing heavily in Dota 2 scene.


MVP.P made a great move when securing Pyo 'MP' No-a and Lee 'Heen' Seung-gon´s services, because the duo will surely improve their game in terms of quality and communication. Having an all Korean team is a huge boost to SEA and Korean Dota scene because they can now compete with Fnatic on a very high level, which will positively boost both teams. This move is also a proof that Koreans mean business and with time and dedication, that they are known for, we are guaranteed a spectacular Dota coming from the Koreans.

LGD Gaming strengthen their ranks with 2 great players 

One of the Chinese juggernauts have made a great move when signing two former EHOME members. The departure of their leader and captain xiao8 and their offlaner Yao forced LGD to look for worthy substitutes for these two Chinese legends. They have found them in Bai 'rOtK' Fan and Liang ‘DDC’ Faming, experienced EHOME duo who will fit LGD perfectly. With rOtK´s leadership and DDC´s experience LGD have not only gained a decent substitutes, but a dose of aggressiveness which they needed, especially in the early stages of the game. rOtK is known for his aggressive play style which will suit LGD, because now, he has the teammates who can follow his lead and execute his ideas perfectly. By getting these two players, LGD are looking to keep up with great performances after TI5 and improve their game, taking China's number one from CDEC.

EG recover Arteezy 

TI5 champions made a questionable move when they kicked Aui_2000 from the team just after winning The International. There were many explanations why he has been kicked, and the desire to bring Artour 'Arteezy' Babaev back was one of them.


The return of Arteezy to EG opens a lot of possibilities for the team and with him as a part of the team, EG can definitely expand in terms of strategy and playstyle. One of the world's best and youngest carry players allows EG to secure a great roster for the future with interesting mix of experienced and young players. Securing the best players of North America, EG have made a statement that they are ready to defend the title of the world's best team.


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