The players speak on The Gaming Paradise's cancellation

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Complexity Gaming has released a lengthy post on their website detailing the team's experience with the recently canceled The Gaming Paradise Dota2 tournament.

A few days ago, a post on Complexity Gaming's website entitled 'A Letter to the Fans: Gaming Paradise' was released. The post detailed the experiences of the Dota2 teams who were suppose participate the event before it was cancelled.

The beginning of the posts talks about how Complexity joined the event, stating that the team only managed to participate in the event due to Empire dropping out. In the negotiations for receiving  the invite, The Gaming Resorts said they could "provide accommodation (one “luxury” apartment), travel to and from the airport (we would fly into Venice and take a 90 minute drive), meals throughout the event, and a €2,000 travel stipend."

The article then proceeds to discuss the initial views of the author, Complexity's manager Kyle ‘Beef’ Bautista, regarding the event. "I had my doubts about this event, going as far as to tell my team that it was a scam", the doubt was later dispelled when Bautista contacted "Flipside Tactics [...] who participated in The Gaming Resorts CS:GO Qualifier in June [...] the players and management had a wonderful experience with the staff."

After confirming their participation, Complexity went on and managed to book their flights with a few minor problems. However, suspicions about the event built up again after it was revealed that "Teams like VP were promised three hotel rooms, instead getting one bungalow, resulting in players sleeping on the floor. Mouz relayed a similar story, adding food that was anything but first class in appearance."

Following those reports, a day before Complexity was supposed to participate in the event, the event experienced multiple problems, "computers arrived without graphics cards (reported as a missing car with stolen computers), the internet had issues, and a fuse blew, causing the entire venue to lose power."

These worrying reports for the Dota2 teams participating resulted in the "team managers in a Skype chat where we (Managers) confirmed information with one another." The team managers "found out that there were eight flights booked. Six for coL (now 18 hours away), and two for VP." Upon the revelation of this information, the teams agreed on giving the organizers an ultimatum, "unless all flights were booked by 1700 CEST (11am EDT) the following day, my team (Complexity) would not be boarding our flight, and all teams would be withdrawing from the event." The organizers failed to get the flights sorted and the Dota2 event was cancelled.

Read the full post here

Headline image from H4nni's twitter and banner image from

Source: Complexity, GosuGamers

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