ArtStyle leaves Na’Vi

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Natus Vincere started the roster changes with their captain Ivan 'Artstyle' Antonov.

With days left until the shuffle period ends, Natus Vincere announce their roster changes for the upcoming major. First to fall is the returning captain Ivan 'Artstyle' Antonov.

“We are very grateful to Ivan for the time he spent in Ukraine Natus Vincere, and wish him good luck in his future endeavors. We hope that he will never give up the idea to win his second Aegis.”

ArtStyle returned to Na’Vi in April this year and all pressure was on his shoulders as his leadership skills were needed to revive what once brought to the Ukrainian squad the most wanted DotA title. Unfortunately Na’Vi’s run at The International 5 was not that good as they expected, being eliminated in the first game of the lower bracket.

There is no announcement of who will replace ArtStyle but the official statement of the organization is saying that more changes will be made public in a few days.

Ivan 'Artstyle' Antonov statement:

“Unfortunately, we failed at The International 2015. Thus, we agreed that the right decision would be for me to leave the team. I wish the guys all the best of luck and many bright victories on their way. As for me, I am not going to stop playing and will come back to professional scene really soon.”

At the same time with ArtSyle’s leaving the team announcement, Na’Vi also said an official good bye to Ivan 'Vanskor' Skorokhod who has been a reliable stand-in for them in the last couple of months.

Natus Vincere roster:

Source: navi-gaming.comImage credits: Natus Vincere

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