Vega Squadron to stay with original roster

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Vega Squadron has broken the silence over their roster and announced that their roster will remain unchanged, saying that "We believe in our lineup and their future potential."

After Vega Squadron's failure to make The International 5's main event, many fans of the team wondered what the fate of the team was. The silence was broken yesterday when Vega twitted that they will make an official statement regarding their Dota2 squad today. Following up on that promise, the announcement that Vega's Dota2 roster will remain unchanged was released today.

In the announcement, Vega revealed that "[The] Players accepted new terms from Vega Squadron, and they will continue playing under Vega Squadron banners for upcoming tournaments." and in the official statement by Alexey Kondakov, the CEO of Vega Squadron, it was said that Vega is happy to continue supporting their current Dota2 team, "We believe in our lineup and their future potential. TI5 made them better people, friends and better players overall."

Statement by Alexey Kondakov - CEO of Vega Squadron:

"We are so excited that boys recognized us as good organization, and that we made agreement for another Dota 2 season. We believe in our lineup and their future potential. TI5 made them better people, friends and better players overall, and lets hope we won't disappoint our fans in our future matches and upcoming Major tournament. This squad is our key to success and way to victory, and we are glad that we have them onboard!"

With the arrival of this good news for Vega Squadron fans, the team is now in the clear for participating in the first ever Dota2 Major and have signed-up recently.

Vega Squadron's roster:


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