EE and Puppey to play on the same team

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Facts that support EE joining Secret:

- From what is confirmed, Team Secret are an Offlaner and Carry player short of completing their roster. EE, being a Carry player, could potentially be brought in to fill the space.

- EE has not expressed any desire to retire and is a free agent after his previous team, Cloud9, disbanded.

- Considering that Arteezy only recently left Team Secret for EG, the disproved "ArtEEzy" rumors could have been pointing at EE joining Secret.

- Rumors regarding Puppey leaving Secret or joining another team are very limited, indicating a high chance that Puppey will stay on Secret.

- A recent tweet by team Secret's team director Kemal Sadikoglu implied that Secret has finalized their roster.

The general community reaction regarding this information was mostly positive, with most agreeing that EE, a player who is known to sometimes throw games, will most likely work well together with Puppey, the former captain of XBOCT, a player with a similar reputation.






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