Fnatic officially drops KyXy, KecikImba and JoHnNy

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After the revelation that Lee 'KyXy' Kong Yang is out of Fnatic, Fnatic has released a announcement stating that only Khoo 'Ohaiyo' Chong Xin and Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung were left on the team.

Following Lee 'KyXy' Kong Yang's twitter announcement that he is out of Fnatic, Fnatic has made an announcement regarding the state of their roster; the team is currently left with Khoo 'Ohaiyo' Chong Xin and Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung, having parted with Lee 'JoHnNy' Siong Tait, Lee 'KyXy' Kong Yang and Fadil 'KecikImba' Bin Mohammad Raziff, Fnatic is still working on rebuilding their roster.

The announcement by Fnatic included statements by the affect parties, which are, the players who left the team, the remaining players, the COO of Fnatic and the manager of Fnatic's Dota2 squad.

The announcement started with a joint statement by Fnatic's COO, Patrik "cArn" Sättermon and Fnatic's Dota2 squad manager, Eric 'reinnnn' Khor, opening with the saying that roster changes were "often a time for mixed emotions". Following this opening, the departure of the three players, Johnny, KyXy and KecikImba, was announced, " we’re sad to say goodbye to kyxY, KecikImba and JoHnNy. We really appreciate all the effort they’ve put into the MLG JoinDota Pro League, ESL Frankfurt and The International."

The subsequent statements were made by the players.

Player statements:

Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung's statement:

“It’s with a very heavy heart that we have decided to part ways with Kecik, ky, and Johnny. In our few months together as teammates, we’ve grown to enjoy each other’s company and as we’ve mentioned, we feel like brothers. However, in the best interests in the progression of the Fnatic Dota 2 squad, we’ve decided to move forward with some changes to our line-up. I wish them the best of luck in finding a new team.

Lee 'JoHnNy' Siong Tiat's statement:

“After a lot of discussion, I think it’s best that I part ways with Fnatic for now because I feel that I haven’t been performing to my best standard, and want to work on that. Despite that, I enjoyed every moment of being with Fnatic and I feel that I’ve developed as a person and a player because of it. I hope to bring what I learned here to my next team, after a short rest of course. Good luck with any new team and in future."

Lee 'KyXy' Kong Yang's statement:

“I’d like to thank Fnatic for all the support. I’ve had a really good experience as part of Fnatic and I wish them all the best for their upcoming events. I’d like to give a special shout out to Patrik Sättermon for the opportunity.”


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