Gaming Paradise 2015 ft. Dota2 by the sea

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Information regarding the "gaming vacation" tournament, Gaming Paradise 2015 has been released. Among the invited teams for this tournament are Empire and Virtus.Pro.

The Gaming Paradise 2015 is a unique Dota2 tournament that is centered around the idea of combining a gaming tournament and a sea side vacation. The event will be taking place on the 6th of September through 13th of September in Portorož, Slovenia, at Marina Portorož, a recreation area by the sea.

Gaming Paradise 2015 will consist of two major tournaments along with a few other smaller tournaments; the two major tournaments are CS:GO (6-8 September) and Dota2 (10-12 September) and a few examples of games for the minor tournaments include Hearthstone, League of Legends and Civilization 5. The prize pool for a major tournament is $50,000+ and $10,000+ for a minor one.

Besides the tournaments that will be taking place at the event, other activities include two music stages, one alternative music stage with live bands playing until the evening hours and one electronic music stage which will be playing till the early morning hours. There will also be an exhibition of various eSports related hardware and software.

The tickets for the event can be ordered here. The tickets come in different options, with the cheapest being a one day pass and the pricier ones offering accommodation with free transportation to and from the event; there are also tickets that give the option of camping at a camp site by the sea.

The Gaming Paradise 2015 event has been endorsed by the Municipality of Piran (Local Authorities).

Participating teams: (Not final)



Ninjas In Pyjamas



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