Top 5 mid laners going to the International 5

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The Mid Lane is the best place to display skill and ingenuity, let's take a look at some of the best players at this position. The Rankings are based on the following criterions: 

  • Individual skill
  • Impact of the player in the team
  • Team accomplishments
  • Performance in high pressure matches

1. Gustav ‘s4’ Magnusson


Gustav ‘s4’ Magnusson is a winner, all he does is win. From his days of NoTidehunter, to the Alliance and now Team Secret, he is one of the most successful players in DotA history winning a total of 29 titles in his career so far.

But that is history, what makes s4 special is that he does what is required of him, he can be a playmaker, he can be a late game farmer, he can be a utility player, he can be as flashy as they come; he can do it all. The guy is a master of all trades and that is the main reason why he is the most successful player on this list. Another reason is his hero pool which is larger than anyone else on this list, the list goes on and on; from his playmaking heroes - Puck, Magnus, Queen of Pain, Storm Spirit to his frontline tankers - Brewmaster, Dragon Knight, Bristleback, Razer, and Viper. The Swede is an amazing laner as well, he just doesn’t lose 1v1s. You give him an inch, he’ll take a mile. His game knowledge his impeccable and knows what to do in every single situation. One can always rely on s4 to perform as well, he will perform at TI for sure and will help his team any way he can.

Most Impressive Statistic: 

  • An overall win rate: 69%
  • Win rate with Secret: 75%
  • 7 heroes with more than 25 career wins and 70% win rate

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