Top 5 bromances going into The International 5

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Although The International is fundamentally about pitting players against each other in a fit of competition, it is also a time for the flourishing of brotherhood and companionship. Let's take a look at the most important bromances that fans should be paying attention to going into this year's TI. 

5. ChuaN and Faith

After having left invictus Gaming to play with LGD shortly after TI4, Zeng ‘Faith’ Hongda rejoined his old squad earlier this year, reuniting himself with his true support counterpart: the truly loveable Wong ‘ChuaN’ Hock Chuan. Along with the roster’s long-time midlaner, Luo ‘Ferrari_430’ Feichi, Faith and ChuaN make up the majority of iG’s TI-winning 2012 lineup. With legendary carry player Xu ‘BurNIng’ Zhilei at the helm, and Faith himself filling the seat of the captain, many fans of Eastern Dota are excited to see if the new and improved iG is capable of channeling some of the dominance they showed at TI2 into another top tier finish at this year’s International.

4. Fenrir and fy

There is perhaps no support duo in all of Dota that is more feared than that of Lu ‘Fenrir’ Chao and Xu ‘fy’ Linsen. Having both joined Vici Gaming together, they have each been a part of the team since 2012. Not only are they the players who have been active on the roster for the longest duration of time, but they are also two of its youngest members. They have often been called the very ‘lifeblood’ of the team, the foundation upon which all else that is shifting rests. Aside from their success in the competitive sphere, they have been very close friends outside of their professional careers for many years and many have attributed the palpability and durability of their in-game cohesion to the personal connection they maintain outside of the game.

Since their second place finish at last year’s International, Vici has continued to be one of the most dominant teams in all of Dota. In the last year they have secured first place finishes at ESL One New York 2014, The Summit 2, and StarLadder Season 12, due largely to the pervasive ferocity of its support duo.

You can read more at GosuGamers.

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