The Dark Horses of The International 5

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Achievements: 4th WEC 2014 5 - 8th i-League 2014 1st World Cyber Arena 2014 13 - 16th DAC 4th i-League Season 3


After their amazing success at The International 4, Newbee's performance graph registered a sharp downwards trajectory and no other Aegis holding team faded as fast as they did in 2015. In all fairness, they did lose two of their key members, Hao and xiao8, and that left a clear mark on their record for this competitive year. It remains to be seen if their new roster is capable of defending the title and even though they aren't credited with many chances to do so, they have the last year's experience to draw from, when they got nearly eliminated in the group stage only to pull through with unbelievable performances in the main event.

In the recent 6.84 patch Newbee have poor results and they only showed up for three major tournaments. They got knocked out from G-league in the first round, at Mars TV they were eliminated in the group stages and their only notable achievement was registered in i-League where they defeated Invictus Gaming twice an Team Malaysia (Fnatic) once and finished on 4th position.

With Dragon Knight and Gyrocopter as the most picked heroes in these three tournaments, Newbee are adjusting to the latest patch trend which implies early map control by taking fast tier one towers, get easier access to the enemy jungle and create space for your carry to safe farm. Their priority is to ensure Mu’s dominance in the midlane, therefore, in the banning phase they target Viper, Lina and Queen of Pain, well known for their disruptive laning presence while they rely on very aggressive and ganking oriented supports like Lion and Earthsaker.

Newbee Roster:

Wang 'Rabbit' Zhang       Zhang 'Mu' Pan Lin 'June' Shiyang             Wang 'Banana' Jiao          Wang 'SanSheng' Zhaohui



Achievements: 5 - 6th WCA 2014 3rd Red Bull Battle Grounds 2015 5 - 6th StarLadder Season 12 3rd i-League Season 3 3rd jD-MLG Pro League Season 2 5 - 8th ESL One Frankfurt 2015 Due to the role swap between Kecik Imba and Mushi right in the middle of the 6.84 patch, their first games with Mushi returning in his core mid position being played at i-League, Fnatic’s  drafting stats alone are a bit confusing and do not accurately reflect their playstyle.



Fnatic Roster:

Yee Fung 'Mushi' Chai Chong Xin 'Ohaiyo' Khoo Kong Yang 'kYxY' Lee Siong Tait 'JoHnNy' Lee Fadil 'Kecik Imba' Raziff


Natus Vincere

Achivements: 4 - 8th WCA 2014 5 - 8th ESL One New York 2014 5 - 6th StarLadder Season 10 1st D2CL Season 4 5 - 6th StarLadder Season 11 9 - 12th DAC 2nd DreamLeague Season 3

Everyone knows that Na’Vi are three times TI finalists, a performance that no other team managed to achieve yet. Even so, TI4 marked the beginning of a cloudy season and their free falling into DotA’s purgatory. But Artsyle’s comeback coupled with the acquisition of SoNNeikO, an astonishing talented playmaking support from Power Rangers, proved to be the winning moves and the new Na’Vi roster seems to have finally found the good balance between raw talent and a leader who can command respect from his team mates and can make them work together to restore their former glory.

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